Tips For Training Dogs

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If you have ever had a new dog, especially a puppy, you know just how frustrating they can be. There are times where their cute face is the only thing that saves them from being kicked out of the house, but we love them! Training a new dog is never easy, but it is possible if you follow some of the tips below.

Choosing The Right Dog

If you already have a dog that needs training, you can scroll right by this tip. If you are still looking for a dog, this is the first training step. Deciding what dog you want to buy or adopt will play a huge role in how you train them. A dog’s breed says a lot about easy they are to train. Hunting dogs, like Beagles, are very hard to train as you have to break through their natural instincts. Different breeds can be very stubborn, while others will do pretty much anything you say. It is important that you consider how patient you are and how much time you will have to work with your new dog when deciding on a breed. You don’t want to get a dog that is hard to train if you are pressed for time and just looking for something to be there when you get home.


Classic dog names or any other short name are the best for training your dog. It is easier for a dog to learn and understand their name if it is a short, compact name. Teaching a dog his/her name is crucial when training them so you can call their name and they come or you get their attention. It is the most basic training element, but it can be difficult if you choose a name that is a little out there.

Use Food In Moderation

You will quickly find that most dogs are smart enough to realize that if there is a treat at the end of a task, they will have no problem doing it. Having a dog sit when you have a treat in your hand does not mean they are actually trained, it is just a different method of dinner time for them. You should first start by giving treats for doing desired tasks, but try to wean them off the treats much like you would do with a child. Start by only giving a treat on special occasions when they follow a command and slowly work to not using treats at all. If you just give them a treat after each time they listen to you, they will quickly learn not to do it if they don’t see or smell you with a treat. And of course, too many treats could mean unwanted puppy weight! Find a treat your dog likes (anything), start using it every time they listen to a command, and slowly wean them off for the most effective dog training.

Be Consistent

As with many things in life, consistency is key in dog training. It is important that everyone who will be training the dog uses the same commands. Best case scenario would be having only one person train your dog, but clearly this is impossible in family settings. Make sure that you all use the same commands and reward methods to be sure you are not confusing the dog. It is also important to try to teach your dog the same things as other people are and not overload them. Like people, they can only handle so much information at one time, so don’t give them too much.

Having a dog is a rewarding experience, most of the time. It is important to not get too frustrated with your dog and not give up on their training. There are very few dogs that training will never work on, so don’t quit!

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