Summer Jobs for Teens

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Show me the money! When Cuba Gooding, Jr. shouted this in the movie Jerry Maguire, who would’ve known it would become such a catchphrase!? But who doesn’t like money? And if you have teens in your life, you know they always seem to need it.

The challenge can be finding the right job, especially if working retail or at restaurants is not an option. But what are some other opportunities?

How about becoming an entrepreneur? Encourage your teen to play to their strengths. Becoming a  successful businessperson teaches your teen lots of life lessons along the way and allows them to showcase their skills.

If you have a teen who wants to earn some money, here are some possible ideas for summer jobs and some specialties that will help them stand out:

  • Does your teen love animals?
    • A pet walking service (Cats like to roam around town, too, just make sure they have the proper harness and lead.)
    • Pet sitting while a family is out of town (Don’t forget to offer to water their plants.)
    • Visiting and playing with pets while their humans are working.
    • Learning how to care for hamsters, guinea pigs, snakes, hedgehogs, etc.
    • Specialty:
      • Past (or current) experience volunteering at animal shelters or obedience classes. This shows knowledge about proper pet care and training on how to handle a challenging pet.
  • Does your teen enjoy spending time with younger children?
    • Babysitter or nanny
    • Be a parent’s helper
    • Share knowledge and tutor
    • Specialty:
      • Babysitting course certification
      • CPR certified
  • House cleaning with a twist
    • Of course, offer day-to-day (or weekly) cleaning.
    • Specialty:
      • Cleaning places people put off until later or consider gross. Think: oven, underneath the black flap of the garbage disposal (make sure to unplug it first), removing hair from sinks, bathtubs, and shower drains, baseboards, window screens, window tracks, inside the fridge, dryer vents, blinds, and vents and fans. Get creative!
  • It’s summer! Everyone wants their vehicle clean!
    • Offer car washes and exterior waxes
    • Specialty:
      • Detailing. Get those cup holders spotless. Use a toothbrush on the vents. Reach those hard-to-reach places. Provide a price sheet and give quotes. It’s important to be paid for the size of the vehicle and messiness (as little kids can be a bit messy).
  • Personal Assistant
    • Run errands
    • Pet care
    •  Laundry
    • Meal prep
    • Grocery shop
  • Be a chauffeur
    • Children need assistance getting to camps, practices, appointments, etc. while their parents are working.
    • Is the kitchen where your teen is most happy?
    • Whip up some desserts to sell at local coffee shops or do meal prep for busy families.
  • Is your teen at home behind a camera?
    • Put their photography skills to work. Offer to do photoshoots of pets, children, families, etc.
    • Specialty:
      • After you take the pictures, use an online service to make photo albums. They’re well-loved, but people have difficulty finding time to put them together. Use your creative spirit to produce masterpieces.
  • If your teen loves sports, suggest refereeing, umpiring, or lifeguarding
    • Specialty:
      • Knowledge of the sport
      • Lifeguard certified
      • CPR certified
  • Does your teen spend time online?
    • Check out surveys that are available for teens
    • Blogging, Vlogging, and YouTube channels are popular
    • Put their talent to work rocking the social media world
    • Design and build websites
  • Does your teen have a green thumb?
    • Mow lawns, pull weeds, and plant flowers, grass, shrubs, and bushes
    • Trim trees and bushes
    • Edge around walkways and flower beds
    • Design a landscaped yard
  • Crafty hands can bring in money
    • Visit Pinterest…there are tons of ideas
    • Consider making something for all seasons and upcoming holidays

When a teen runs his/her own business, they can learn a lot from time management to budgeting to how taxes work. Hopefully, these suggestions will help your teen put some money in the bank and develop a love for being their own boss.

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