Ways to Celebrate Earth Day

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Earth Day was first celebrated in 1970 as a means of showing support for environmental protection. Ever since then, it’s been celebrated on April 22nd around the globe.

Nowadays, there are often Earth Day activities and celebrations to draw attention to conservation efforts. Of course, if you’re looking for ways to show your support for the environment and ways to protect it, there are lots of things you can do. 

This Earth Day, why not try some of these things?

  • Walk, ride your bike, or carpool to work: Want to cut down on air pollution and use fewer fossil fuels? Then walk, ride your bike, or carpool to work. All of these options mean fewer cars on the road – and that’s good news for the environment.
  • Spend time volunteering for organizations trying to help the environment: Did you make it a goal to volunteer more this year? Then maybe you can seek out organizations that are trying to help the environment. Green Dreamer has a list of  “35 Environmental Organizations and Nonprofits for a Sustainable Future” that might be of help. 
  • Educate yourself about topics related to the environment: What do you know about protecting the environment? Do you want to learn more? Then use Earth Day as a way to kickstart your environmental education. You can also share this learning with your children. The National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF) has put together a list of activities and projects you can do at home with your kids
  • Learn proper recycling: Do you find recycling confusing? You’re not alone? Trying to figure out what can and cannot be recycled – and then properly doing it – is a common complaint. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a list of common recyclables and helps explain what to do with each of them. You might also consider reaching out to your local recycling collector to see what they recommend.
  • Plant something: When Earth Day started, one of the most popular activities that people participated in revolved around planting trees – and it continues today. Of course, you can’t plant a tree at your apartment, but you can plant something – such as vegetables or other plants. Plant something on your patio or balcony as a way to improve air quality.
  • Contact legislators to let them know of your concerns: Do you have specific concerns when it comes to environmental protections? Then let your legislators know about them! Most legislators have social media, websites, and email that make voicing your concerns easy. And, while you may not get the answer you desire, the more people you can enlist to help, the more impact you will have.
  • Make your workplace more environmentally-friendly: Why not lead the charge at your workplace to make it more environmentally-friendly? TechRepublic shares ten ways you can do just that! 
  • Enjoy the outdoors: Why not show your love for the environment by spending some time in it? Go for a walk, take a hike, or head to the park. And, if you can, pick up some trash while you’re outside.
  • Shop for eco-friendly products: More companies are trying to bring eco-friendly products to consumers, and purchasing from these companies is another way to support the environment. Here are 48 eco-friendly products you can buy to help stop plastic pollution.
  • Calculate your carbon footprint: Your carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases (including carbon dioxide and methane) that are generated by your actions. You can use an online calculator to determine yours
  • Go paperless: Going paperless in 2021 is a great goal and something that is quite doable. PC Mag shares 7 tips to help you do it!

Earth Day is the perfect day to celebrate the environment and start some small initiatives to help protect it. Which of these suggestions can you try?

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